Magecro - conversion case studies


Magento Conversion Rate Optimization

A group created specifically for the Magento community— to share optimization tools, tips and techniques.

Magento is a powerful and complex platform, that provides merchants with many tools and configuration opportunities. With all the options come choices and decisions. The MageCRO comminity was developed specifically for merchants with site optimization goals.

Pricing is tough.
Testing can be slow.
Stakes are high.

Most merchants set price based on target margins plus a dash of comparison shopping. But what if you could be charging more without taking a hit to your conversion rate?

Our group can help you understand how to run the right tests, with the right tools, to optimize your pricing and boost profits.

Join our MageCRO LinkedIn group and get access to the most advanced A/B testing extension available for Magento. With this extension merchants can drive more profit out of every visit by testing different pricing, different shipping offers, different extensions and even completely different stores.

Make intelligent decisions.
Make every change count.
Get the most out of every visit with MageCRO.

MageCRO was created as a forum for Magento merchants to connect and share tips, tactics and tools, for the specific purpose of increasing conversion rate.

We recognize the value of our community's knowledge and want to provide a space for merchants to exchange information with the intent of maximizing revenues.

Leverage the tests and learnings of the larger group in order to inform your own optimization goals and priorities. Group support and contributions empower members to test plans with intent and specificity.



Calling Magento Merchants!

Join like-minded ecommerce professionals in building a community that is focused on increasing profits and sharing knowledge.


Optimization and Magento agency partners, extension developers, system integrators and subject matter experts.

Connect with a community of shop owners and professional colleagues, eager test subjects with the audiences to significantly test your extensions and tools.

Join Us - Test Ideas - Earn More - Build Community

Join community members engaged in testing plans.
Learn from colleagues who share your goals.
Support the ecommerce community with your questions/discussion topics as well as your experiences and participation.


Not on Linked In? get in touch, send us a message :)